Erik Sandberg helped Victor Miller, who wrote:

> > I have a vocal line which has an acciacatura at the beginning of a

I have tried out (to learn setup/acciaccaturae etc.) and the
Miller example needed some end-brace and some notes in second
voice. Here it comes as an example for myself and other interested
not-so-much beginners. Before using as a tutorial model we should
add comments explaining context voice and pianostaff (and remove
superfluous comments).

%% Victor S. Miller wrote 2004-10-30 and Erik Sandberg answered
%% with some correction included below.
%% Here's a file that shows acciaccatura before first note
%% and besides is a nice model for piano and voice:
 \version "2.3.23"  %% You need this for automatic upgrading with convert-ly

 V =  \relative c' {
     \key g \major
     \clef "G_8"
     \time 4/4
     \acciaccatura c64 d2. r8 g, | %9

 T =  \relative c' {
     \key g \major
     \time 4/4
     %% Erik Sandberg added:
     \grace s64
     \times 2/3 {
       d'4~ <d, d'>~ <d g d'>~ 
       <d g d'>2 | %9

 B =  \relative c {
     \key g \major
     \time 4/4
     %% Erik Sandberg added:
     \grace s64
     b1 | %9

 \score {
       \context Voice = "A"
       {  \V }
       \context PianoStaff  <<
           \context Staff = "up" {
               \new Voice
           \context Staff = "down" {
                \clef bass
     \layout { }
 \paper { 
    raggedright = ##t 
%% you can get the file from 
%% OBS: My filenaming scheme will be changed soon, need some ideas 
%% for signalling source version number and lilypond version number 
%% in the filename.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

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