> On 29 Aug 2016, at 23:26, Erik Ronström <e...@ompom.se> wrote:
> I found another workaround: even though the glyph variants share the same 
> codepoint in the font, the alternative glyphs are actually defined in the 
> unicode ”Private Use Area”, so they also have codepoints of their own. So I 
> just replaced all » characters in the lilypond source with the unicode 
> character #xF101. The drawback is that this codepoint is specific to the 
> font, so when editing the source files, these characters is not displayed 
> ”correctly”. And if I would like to change lyrics font for the score, the 
> quotes won’t show up.

That is a reason for switching to LuaTeX, which unifies several efforts of 
upgrading TeX. Somebody else will have to tune in here for the LilyPond part 

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