Am 27.08.2016 um 01:24 schrieb Timofey Misarenkov:
(DynamicText.extra-offset can help to move, but
vertical space waste remains the same. And using same approach to move
\p and hairpin do not helps either.)
extra-offset only moves the visual appearance of a grob but doesn’t
affect spacing so if you move the ff left spacing will be as if you
hadn’t moved it.
So, the question is: how to make \ff to appear at the left of <d d,>s ?
Instead of extra-offset, use X-offset and Y-offset (in this case,
X-offset is sufficient). Are you sure it’s a "ff" and a "p" (separated)
and not a "ffp" (combined)? Because there is no \ffp command in
LilyPond, you can create one:
ffp = #(make-dynamic-script "ffp")
Or use make-dynamic-script directly (see below).
If you start the hairpin directly at the ffp, it’s start will move to
the left together with the ffp (remember: X-offset affects spacing ;)).
To avoid that, just increase it’s bound-padding.
\version "2.18.2"
\score {
\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff = "up" \relative c' {
\clef treble
<d d,>4-> \repeat unfold 12 {<a' d fis a>16-.}
\new Dynamics = "dynamics" {
% this moves the ffp to the left
\once \override DynamicText.X-offset = -4.5
% this increases the gap between ffp and start of hairpin
\once \override Hairpin.bound-padding = 2.5
s2...-#(make-dynamic-script "ffp")\< s16\! |
\new Staff = "down" \relative c, {
\clef bass
<d d,>4-> \repeat unfold 12 {<a' d fis a>16-.}
\layout {}
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