> In a nutshell, they aren't.  Once Guile 2.0.12 becomes available in
> Ubuntu _or_ works reasonably well non-installed, there may be some more
> attempt to get this to work, until the next Guile flaws not sanely
> addressable in LilyPond are discovered and one has to wait for the next
> Guile release.  Guile takes about 1-2 years for a 2.0.x release these
> days, and Ubuntu takes 1/4 to 3/4 years to pick up a new release.
> I guess that there will likely be still 2-3 such iterations, so it's
> more likely that the game will get restarted on Guile-2.2 at some point
> before it plays out on Guile-2.0.
> --
> David Kastrup
Huh. Well, that's odd. I just tried compiling Lily again, and this time it
(lilypond-2.19.47, as it reports itself) worked (against guile-2.0.12).
Haven't tried compiling any files yet, but whatever issue I had last week
is no longer preventing compilation (or has been resolved).

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