I'm engraving a band arrangement (using Lilypond 2.2.2) for up to 7 parts, with 2 separate pieces running one into the other.
The basic layout of my .ly file is below. The third part can be played as one or 2 separate parts, depending on numbers and ability of the players.
Is this the best way of putting the 2 pieces together? The printed output is fine, though I don't get a midi file which would be useful.
The thirds parts generate around 40 instances of "warning: Too many clashing notecolumns.  Ignoring them.:" in the log file. Is this a problem? Is there a better way of achieving the same effect? I've tried using the model in satb.ly but it brings other problems with it.
Lilypond prints the first line of 6 voices on the first page on its own, then prints subsequent pages with 2 lines on each, which looks clumsy. I've tried using
\paper {\context {\StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 3)}}}
to reduce the spacing of the staves, but to no effect. I wonder if I'm putting it in the wrong place - can anyone advise where best to put it?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Tim Hucker

\header {
 Title = "Title"
 piece = "BBBD"
\score   {
  \context StaffGroup <<
  \context Staff = I <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"1"
   \set Staff.instr = #"1"
  \context Staff = II <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"2"
   \set Staff.instr = #"2"
  \context Staff = III <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"3"
   \set Staff.instr = #"3"
  \context Staff = IV <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"4"
   \set Staff.instr = #"4"
  \context Staff = V <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"5"
   \set Staff.instr = #"5"
  \context Staff = VI <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"6"
   \set Staff.instr = #"6"
\header  {
 piece = "AG"
\score   {
  \context StaffGroup <<
  \context Staff = I <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"1"
   \set Staff.instr = #"1"
  \context Staff = II <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"2"
   \set Staff.instr = #"2"
  \context Staff = III <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"3"
   \set Staff.instr = #"3"
  \context Staff = IV <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"4"
   \set Staff.instr = #"4"
  \context Staff = V <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"5"
   \set Staff.instr = #"5"
  \context Staff = VI <<
   \set Staff.instrument = #"6"
   \set Staff.instr = #"6"
\midi { }
\paper { }

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