Hi all,
I have a very strange issue with the scholarLY package where in *some*
circumstances the point-and-click links don't point to the music but to
a location within the package (where a music function is invoked).
After some experimentation I have the impression this is related to a
phenomenon I see in the attached file. The three functions all return
the original music, but somewhat differently. The point I'm wondering
about is: why does the point-and-click link sometimes (expectedly) point
to the music but sometimes to the function invocation?
This is not necessarily compatible with the actual code, but I think
understanding how these music expressions are created will help me
better understand the problem at hand.
Thank you for any clarification
\version "2.19.47"
funcA =
#(define-music-function (mus)(ly:music?)
funcB =
#(define-music-function (mus)(ly:music?)
\once \override NoteHead.color = #red
funcC =
#(define-music-function (mus)(ly:music?)
\once \override NoteHead.color = #blue
\parenthesize #mus
% funcA: point-and-click points tofunction invocation
\funcA c'
% funcB: point-and-click points to music
\funcB d'
% funcC: point-and-click *also* points to function invocation
\funcC e'
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