Am 08.08.2016 um 15:38 schrieb Urs Liska:
> I'm wondering about the behaviour of ly:add-option
> If I have the following file:
> \version "2.19.47"
> #(ly:add-option 'humdrum-file #f "Set to the file name of a Humdrum file")
> #(display (ly:get-option 'humdrum-file))

Of course that should be changed to

\version "2.19.47"
#(ly:add-option 'my-option #f "Some description")
#(display (ly:get-option 'my-option))

> and invoke LilyPond with the command line option -dmy-option=my-value
> The display is #f or whatever I set as default value in ly:add-option.
> If I comment out the ly:add-option line I get the correct value
> displayed but also a warning "no such internal option: my-option".
> I thought I could use that line to suppress the warning and preset the
> option with a default value that it will have when the option isn't
> passed on the command line. But I have the impression that ly:add-option
> *overwrites* any value passed through the command line.
> What am I missing?
> Best
> Urs
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