Dear lilyponders:I do not know scheme code. Can scheme code to generate
variable series with leading "\"?Detail question in the lily file
attachment.Thank you for any help.Immanuel,Ming.
\version "2.19.46"
\language "english"
\header {
title = "æè°¢ä¸çæ祢"
subtitle = "Thank You For Being In My Life"
composer = "æ²è© : é³ç彬"
\layout {
\context {
\consists "Melody_engraver"
\override Stem #'neutral-direction = #'()
global = {
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\partial 4
\tempo 4=76
mel.0 = { <>^\markup{\box\bold"Verse"} g8 8 |}
mel.1 = { c'8. 16~8 b d' c'~8 b~ |}
mel.2 = { b8 a'8~4 r8 g'8 8 8 |}
mel.3 = { f'4. e'8 g' a c'8 16 e'16~ | \break }
mel.4 = { e'8 d'~4~4. g'8 |}
mel.5 = { a'4. g'8 4. e'16 f' |}
mel.6 = { g'8 f'16 g'~8 f' e'4. d'8 |}
mel.7 = { c'4 r16 c'16 a c' a'8 e'16 f'~8 g'~ | \break }
melody = {
can the following be generated by Scheme code
such as "\expendVar xx 0 7" where xx is the variable "\mel";
"0" is start number and "7 "is the end number.
\mel.0 \mel.1 \mel.2 \mel.3
\mel.4 \mel.5 \mel.6 \mel.7
\score {
\new Staff { \melody }
\layout { }
\midi { }
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