Hi Lilyponders, I have a score where there are a couple of cadenzas. I experimented with /cadenzaOn /cadenzaOff etc but couldn't get it to work to my liking, with the full measure rests in the other bars. This solution below would be great if someone could help me get the scale durations line correct (for the 19/4 bar)? Any ideas?
All the best, Craig %%%%%%%%% \version "2.19.36" \relative c' << \new Staff { \time 4/4 R1 \fermataMarkup | R1 \fermataMarkup | } \new Staff { \time 4/4 \omit Score.TimeSignature \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 19/4 \scaleDurations 1/5 \repeat unfold 6 { c4 c2 } c4 \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4 R1 \fermataMarkup } >> %%%%%%% *Craig Dabelstein* e:craig.dabelst...@gmail.com <http://www.facebook.com/craig.dabelstein> <http://au.linkedin.com/pub/craig-dabelstein/b2/5b8/389/en>
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