Am 04.08.2016 um 16:43 schrieb Carl Sorensen:
On 8/4/16 7:10 AM, "Andrew Bernard" <> wrote:
Does lilypond actually need visual
branding? Are we trying to increase market share with a logo?
I think it would be nice to have. As I said in my first post, an eye
catcher would be nice. This idea came to me because the tagline isn’t
very visible on full pages.
It's pretty clear to me that the waterlily graphic is *not* a logo; it's a
web graphic. I like it on the website. But it doesn't have the right
characteristics for a logo.
I agree on this.
Yes, and not gray scale either. Just black and white.
And on that. (This has also the advantage that you can use it in
different colors if you want.)
I agree that if we want to have a logo available on the colophon, we
should create a real logo. And this will require some work and discussion.
Some questions to discuss:
1. Do we want text in the logo? Or only a graphic (probably a
waterlily)? Or a graphic with optional text?
2. If so, which font to use?
3. Should the image be realistic or stylised?
4. Should one be able to invert it (white/light on black/dark
background)? If it’s a waterlily with white/light petals maybe this
would need an extra version.
5. Who would design the logo? A small designated team (maybe some
professionals in the lilypond community) or everyone interested?
6. If the latter, how to choose from different proposed logos?
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