2016-08-03 12:52 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Xpost and Fup2 lilypond-devel
> Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Some remarks/TODOs, especially:
>> Why I cannot _create_ a MultiMeasureRestText-grob via 
>> `ly:engraver-make-grob'?
>> It works for TextScript ...
> Do you have an example of what doesn't work?
>> %% How to do?
>> %% It worked with simple TextScript ...
>> #(define (mmr-range-engraver context)
>> "Print the range of a @code{MultiMeasureRest}, if the context-property
>> @code{printMmrRange} is set @code{#t}."
>>   (let ((m-m-r-print '()))
>>     `((acknowledgers
>>         (multi-measure-interface
>>          . ,(lambda (engraver grob source-engraver)
>>             (if (eq? (grob::name grob) 'MultiMeasureRestNumber)
>>                 (set! m-m-r-print
>>                   (cons
>>                     (cons grob (ly:context-property context 'printMmrRange))
>>                     m-m-r-print))))))
> [...]
>>         ,(lambda (trans)
>>           (let* ((timeSignatureFraction
>>                    (ly:context-property context 'timeSignatureFraction))
>>                  (fraction
>>                    (/ (car timeSignatureFraction) (cdr 
>> timeSignatureFraction))))
> [...]
>>             (lambda (mmr)
>>               (if (and (cdr mmr) (not (null? (cdr mmr))))
>>                   (let* ((m-m-r-start
>>                            (/ (ly:moment-main
>>                                 (grob::when (ly:spanner-bound (car mmr) 
>> LEFT)))
>>                               fraction))
>>                          (m-m-r-stop
>>                            (/ (ly:moment-main
>>                                 (grob::when (ly:spanner-bound (car mmr) 
>> RIGHT)))
>>                               fraction)))
> Oh good grief, this sucks.  Guess what happens with meter changes.  You
> need to use 'rhythmic-location rather than 'when but even then, this
> only gives you the value of internalBarNumber which is fine for
> calculating the total number of bars but does not help all that much
> with the actual bar number labels under interesting bar numbering
> schemes.  There currentBarNumber is wanted.
> The obvious solution is to just grab currentBarNumber (and whatever
> else) off the context in the acknowledger and the end-acknowledger for
> multi-measure-rests.  This suffers from the slight drawback that the
> end-acknowledger is currently not even getting called.
> We could instead siphon off the duration, wait out the appropriate
> process-music call at the correct absolute time, and then finally record
> the suitable currentBarNumber at the end.  Which is ugly.
> So it seems to make more sense to provide end-acknowledger calls for
> multi measure rests.  And maybe we need to survey other spanners
> proactively whether they'd warrant end acknowledger calls.
> Aaaaand there is the added complication that the end range number we get
> in that manner is from the measure starting _after_ the rest.  And when
> we are concerned about strange bar numbering schemes, just substracting
> 1 from the bar number might not be correct: we really need the previous
> bar number.  And we cannot just grab them off some
> start-translation-timestep since the whole manner of compressing
> multimeasure rests relies on no intermediate timesteps occuring at all.
> Huh.
> --
> David Kastrup

Hi David,

many thanks for the comments, they will be very helpful once I return to this.

Back in February I stopped work on this topic, because I waited for:

2016-02-21 18:46 GMT+01:00 Craig Dabelstein <craig.dabelst...@gmail.com>:
> This is great work! It's exactly what I need but it threw me a bunch of
> errors. I'll try to put together an example to show you.

Still waiting...

And still suffering from some surgery, can't work for long at the computer.


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