On 28 July 2016 at 12:06, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> On 28 July 2016 at 11:38, Federico Bruni wrote:
>> Il giorno gio 28 lug 2016 alle 11:01, Mojca Miklavec ha scritto:
>>> Is it possible to convince midi2ly to output pitch names in, say
>>>     \language "deutsch"
>>> ?
>>> I prefer using "b" to "bes".
>> You can use python-ly to postprocess the .ly file:
>> https://github.com/wbsoft/python-ly
>> http://python-ly.readthedocs.io/en/latest/command.html#commands
> Woooooooooooonderful!!!
> I started with my own pyPEG2-based simple parser that I didn't get
> working yet. I'll look into this package. I would need this
> functionality for other ("more advanced") features than just
> transposing & renaming anyway. I hope I get it working according to my
> needs :)

After wasting some time writing a new package for python-ly (just to
realize that the package already existed), translation of pitches
works wonderfully out of the box:

    ly-3.5 "translate deutsch" -o new.ly old.ly

So even if Frescobaldi is broken for me at the moment, at least the
command-line tool does the job.

Parsing and doing my own acrobatics by adding buttons will take a bit
longer until I'm able to go into the depths of the documentation.

Thank you,

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