On 7/22/16 7:11 AM, "David Wright" <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:

>On Fri 22 Jul 2016 at 08:51:52 (+0200), Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>> I don't have much experience with MIDI. I just tried all the media
>> players on OS X and realized than only QuickTime Player 7 had some
>> very very basic support for playing MIDI files (I cannot even make it
>> play loud enough, let alone do anything else with it). None of the
>> others I have installed worked (VLC, MPlayerX, QuickTime Player,
>> RealPlayer, ...)
>> So I went on and made a package for TiMidity++ and freepats.
>> The problem is: I'm still unable to figure out how to change the
>> instrument to anything but Piano.
>> Here's a minimal example:
>I do this as a matter of course because I set a lot of SATB music
>on the conventional two staves but need to generate midi teaching
>files with the individual parts highlighted. So I keep an ily file
>with a few definitions in it:

>And that way I can add three lines and get a full set of midi teaching
>files for tutti and each and every part.

The Frescobaldi SATB score wizard with piano reduction has this already
set up and is very convenient.  I use it regularly.



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