
When I try to start a syllable that continues after the repeat, I have
a problem.

Lilypond complains loudly:
    repeats.ly:24:38: warning: unterminated hyphen; removing

Below an example that should read
   Oh, tralalala! Tralalali!

(Of course the hyphen would "kind of" work if I add "li!" at the end –
it would pretend as if the word was "Tra -- li" and would place the
hyphen to the wrong place.)

What's the best recipe to fix such cases?

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Voice = "melody" \fixed c' {
    \time 2/4
    a2 | a2 |
    \repeat volta 2 {
      a4 a4 |
    \alternative {
      { a4 a4 |}
      { a2 | }
    \bar "|."
  % the last hyphen after 'Tra" is problematic and gets removed
  \context Lyrics = "lyrics" {
    \lyricsto "melody" {
      Oh, tra -- la -- la -- la! Tra --
      % li!

Another problem are cases which I would intuitively write
    tra -- _ -- la

where the first syllable "tra" would be sung across two pitches. But
if I do the above, the hyphen gets lost and I get "tra    la" that
looks as if I had two words rather than "tra  -  la" (I can add a full
example if the question is not clear).

Is there any way to get the hyphen back (other than adding an explicit
slur)? If I just add a slur, it would not always work because
different stanzas might be different.

Thank you,

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Description: Binary data

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