Mojca Miklavec <> writes:

> Hello,
> I'm experiencing a weird (ugly) vertical clash inside the scores and
> don't quite understand why.
> I'm "misusing" lyrics above the stave to add button names. (I
> initially tried with "^\markup{}", but didn't know how to vertically
> align it.)
> The same trick works if the line with lyrics is full, but as soon as I
> need to add the third annotation just every now and then (and need to
> start an almost empty third line), I get a clash.
> I prepared a "somewhat minimal" example in the attachment.
> Mojca
> PS: please CC me

As a general hint: for these kinds of collision problems it is sometimes
a good idea to figure out LilyPond's idea of the involved outlines.  For
that, running lilypond with the option -ddebug-skylines can be real
helpful (the outline info appears in the PDF itself).

In this particular case, it does not do much more than change "WTF?" to
"WTF?!?!?".  I'm not entirely sure here but I think Keith might have
been one of those people more actively recent with the skyline code so
maybe he has some idea here?  Both regarding what may be going on and/or
wrong and with regard to possible workarounds?

David Kastrup

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