Andrew Bernard <> writes:

> Hi David,
> Tools such as InDesign offer all the possibilities for the last line,
> of which there are several, as you know. I would settle for left
> aligned. That would be fine, and is a fairly common usage in
> typography.

Sigh.  Can you please tell what you actually want?

> I am sorry if I am not clear. I simply want a relatively narrow column
> of justified text that spans multiple pages, centered in the page. But
> not just with setting margins, as it is for quoted material in the
> context of wider set text, such as you often see in books:
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>         zzzzz
>         zzzzz <- multiple pages of this block
>         zzzzz
>         zz       <- last line can do this
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

So what _should_ the last line do?  If one actually invests effort, it
is rather frustrating to be told that what one does is crap anyway but
will be looked upon benignly.

So would that be what you actually want or not?  And if not, what
_would_ you consider not just something you "would settle for" but
actually satisfactory?

David Kastrup

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