Hi Kieren,

He’s **extremely** interested in the possible hooks from Lilypond to
> algorithmic music generation, and the interweaving of music with text
> (e.g., LaTeX). I’m hoping to get him hooked on the ‘Pond, beyond the
> high-energy sales pitch I gave him in person.

This is great! Some people have already done great work in incorporating
LilyPond and LaTeX. On the topic of Abjad, there is coincidentally a 5-day
workshop on using it (led by the creators) that starts today at Stanford:


I've recently done a full musical score entirely in TeX without LilyPond or
any other language/interface (although, it is more of a non-traditional
"graphic" score that doesn't utilize western notation). So, with the right
project, that's certainly a possibility by itself. TeX is extremely
flexible/extendable due to all of the packages available, including


... and musicexamples:


... both written by Urs Liska (who will likely have more add to this
conversation). There are a range of examples of the LilyPond engraving
capabilities here:


And openlilylib in general:


... is a resource for lots of new LilyPond-specific tools, in addition to
the LilyPond Snippet Repository:


On the note of using algorithmic composition directly in LilyPond source
code, I can't comment from direct experience. But if the composer is
fluent/comfortable in Scheme (or functional programming in general), I
believe that LilyPond would be a more than suitable arena for implementing
those techniques, or at least experimenting before "giving up*, or even
before moving on to more advanced workflows like Abjad which really do
require some time (and a lot of confidence in committing that time) to


On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Kieren MacMillan <
kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Hello all,
> This past week, I was in Pittsburgh on music business (a long-term
> commissioning project incorporating binaural recording technologies and a
> bunch of other exciting stuff).
> While there, I established a very strong relationship with a composer,
> sound designer, and electrical engineer who loves open source music
> technologies. He was thrilled to hear about Lilypond's recent improvements
> and successes: he only vaguely knew about Lilypond from its very first days
> (having always been heavily involved with MusiXTeX).
> He is well-connected (IRCAM, UCSD, etc.etc.etc.) and quite brilliant. He’s
> **extremely** interested in the possible hooks from Lilypond to algorithmic
> music generation, and the interweaving of music with text (e.g., LaTeX).
> I’m hoping to get him hooked on the ‘Pond, beyond the high-energy sales
> pitch I gave him in person.
> 1. On the topic of algorithmic stuff, I sent him the link to Abjad. If
> there’s a better starting place, or other links I should forward to him,
> please let me know!
> 2. For Lilypond+(La)TeX, I want to send him to examples of the bleeding
> edge (or at least most stable state-of-the-art) work in that direction.
> What are the first links I should send him?
> Thanks,
> Kieren.
> ________________________________
> Kieren MacMillan, composer
> ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
> ‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info
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