On Fri 08 Jul 2016 at 14:50:03 (+0200), Jogchum Reitsma wrote:
> I didn't have the opportunity to look at Bach's handwriting. I have
> checked two edited versions. One uses 4/4, the other C (not cut C).
> So I gather that's correct.

Hold on, are you saying that the second Kyrie of BWV232 is *not*
alla breve, but in 4/4 ? Any chance of knowing which versions you

> Op 07-07-16 om 14:28 schreef Malte Meyn:
> >Am 07.07.2016 um 13:48 schrieb Jogchum Reitsma:
> >>In the second Kyrie from J.S. Bach's Hohe Messe, the time signature is
> >>4/4, but the bars are filled with 8 quarter notes or its equivalent in
> >>time.
> >
> >Are you sure you meant 4/4 which is shown as C? Bach uses the cut
> >C (alla breve).


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