On Wed 06 Jul 2016 at 10:21:15 (-0700), rosros wrote:
> I would like to recover the value of the lilypond version statement to insert
> it in the tagline.
> With "\simple #(lilypond-version)" I can recover the current lilypond
> version which is not necessarily the same string.
> Is there a solution other than hard-coding it?

vrsion = "2.18.0"
\version "2.18.0"

at least allows you to see they're the same at a glance.
Then embed \vrsion in your tagline.

But there's a category error here, isn't there? The lilypond-version
is a property of the program and hence the run. So, like many, I have
\concat { "LilyPond version " $(lilypond-version) } embedded in my
typical tagline. The PDFs bearing that tagline were all run by that

OTOH the \version is a property of each individual file. A run might
include many files written in the syntax of different versions.
Understandably, files like (a trivial example)

%% Letter-landscape.ily
\version "2.18.0"
\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter" 'landscape)

don't get put through convert-ly very often.

So it's moot what an overall printed \version should be.


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