Hi Harald,

while a custom positioning of one or two staves seems like a reasonable
way to go, your question sounds a bit different:

>> I need to add some supplemental white space between piano staff lines
>> (to avoid a crowded look and near clashes).

LilyPond already tries to avoid clashes and I think instead of moving or
spacing staves, this is the point to tweak the result: You can add
padding or increase the extent of an object. Then LilyPond will take
this into account when spacing the score.

Here is an example:


 \version "2.18.2"

 \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
     a1 \break
     \once \override NoteHead.minimum-Y-extent = #'(-20 . 0)
     % or: \tweak #'minimum-Y-extent #'(-20 . 0)
     a b \break
   \new Staff { \clef "bass" a b' c'  c }


It adds 20 staff spaces to the bounding box of the note a on the
negative side (-20). If you compile with Frescobaldi's "display
skylines" option, you can see the box in aqua color (light blue).

The note head might not be the best example but you can choose the
object that is closest to the upper/lower staff, the one that you want
to have more space.

I could not find the setting which I suppose is similar to
\papger { annotate-spacing = ##t }
such that you can directly use the normal lilypond and see the skylines.
Maybe someone can point me to it...


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