Dear lilypond experts! I make kievan notes and their transcription with common noteheads from one source. I'd like to make spacing in normal staff, like in kievan, and found in docs about \consists "Kievan_ligature_engraver" (, but when I replace ligature engraver, all stems are shifted. Below is a minimal example both with normal and kievan staff. If we remove Kievan_ligature_engraver from normal staff, notes in the last line are placed too wide. I tried using wide inbisible break signs beetween note groups and also skips, but the result is not good enough and has too many extra markup which sould be different for each line for better results. Kievan spacing makes the best result, excepting stems. Is there any way to fix them?
Also - is there any way to get rid of extra spacing beetven the last note and the barline in this example? \version "2.18.2" melodyI = \relative c' { \cadenzaOn \[ e4 (d4) \] \[ e4 (f4) \] \[ g2 \] \[ f2 \] \[ e2 \] \[ e2 \] \[ e2 \] \[ e4 (d4) \] \[ f2 (e2) \] \[ d4 (c4) \] \[ d4 (e4 f2) \] \[ e1 \] \bar"|" \[ e2 \] \[ e2 \] \[ e4 (g4) \] \[ e2 \] \[ e2 \] \[ f4 (e4) \] \[ d2 (e2) \] \[ d1 (d2 c2) \] \bar"|" } textI = \lyricmode { от О -- тца ро -- жде -- нно -- му не -- тле -- нно Сы -- ну и в_по -- сле -- дня -- я от Де -- вы } \score{ << \new Staff = slavonic << \new Voice = "one" {\melodyI} >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" { \textI } >> \layout { \context { \Voice \remove "Ligature_bracket_engraver" \consists "Kievan_ligature_engraver" } } } \score{ << \new KievanStaff = slavonic << \new KievanVoice = "one" { \melodyI} >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \keepWithTag #'csl \textI >> } -- Best wishes, Svetlana
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