On Mon 13 Jun 2016 at 19:31:00 (+0300), Svetlana Lobanova wrote:
> Dear lilypond users!
> I want to align syllables of two text lines one under another without any 
> note staff. Below is a working snippet, which is quite good for my purpose. I 
> would like to gain some more control on layout: 
> 1) make some manual line breaks, 
> 2) add more horizontal spacing around syllables ,
> 3) make sylables to center vertically,
> 4) make ragged last line,
> 5) instead of 1 and 2 just set syllables count per line.
> All these things usually are done in a staff. Is there a way to make such 
> tweaks without any staff?
> P.S. I know that lilypond is not a text tool, but I use the same line with my 
> notes and would like to make this job automatically from the same source. The 
> real use case is znammenny chant where I'd like to make original (neumatic, 
> without notation) and dechiphered layouts.

A bit of a hack, but:

\version "2.18.2"
  \new Staff <<
    \new NullVoice = null {
      \relative { \stopStaff c'1 c c c c c c c c \break c c c c c c c c c 
\break c c c c c c c c c \break c c c c c c c c c \break c c c c c c c c c }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto null { \lyricmode {
        b1 b1 bbbbbb1 b1 bbb1 b1 b1 b1 bbbbbb1 b1 bbb1 b1 b1 b1 b1
        bbbbbb1 b1 bbb1 b1 b1 b1 b1 bbbbbb1 b1 bbb1 b1 b1 b1 b1 bbbbbb1
        b1 bbb1 b1 b1 b1 b1 bbbbbb1 b1
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto null { \lyricmode {
        a1 aaa1 a1 aaaa1 a1 a1 aaa1 a1 aaaa1 a1a1 aaa1 a1 aaaa1 a1a1 aaa1
        a1 aaaa1 a1a1 aaa1 a1 aaaa1 a1a1 aaa1 a1 aaaa1 a1a1 aaa1 a1 aaaa1
        a1a1 aaa1 a1
  \layout {
    indent = 0
    \context {
      \omit BarNumber
    \context {
      \omit Clef
      \omit TimeSignature
      \omit BarLine


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