On Sunday 24 October 2004 16.59, Ruud van SIlfhout wrote:
> Hi,
> As a maintainer of the Mutopia project I volunteered to get
> the (sometimes) very old versions of the lilypond files to
> at least the level that they run through the the stable
> version of lily  (I run the 2.2.5 version on cygwin as there
> is no 2.2.6 version available). Keeping up-to-date version
> is both for lilypond and for mutopia of importance.
> Converting one of these older files I ran into the following
> problem. Connecting a note in a triplet with a note both
> inside a triplet and outside a triplet using a tie does not
> work, but seemed to wok in the old version (1.3.128).
> I have sent a mail to the file maintainer as well, but could
> you please look into this.

~ is a postfix operator that is applied to individual notes, so the following 
      \times 2/3 {d8\p( e ~ e~}  e4 c8)

> \version "2.2.5"
> \score {
>   \notes \relative c'' {
>      \times 2/3 {d8\p( e ~ e} ~ e4 c8)
>   }
> }
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