Arvid Grøtting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I'm afraid it's at home and I'm at work at the moment; I'll try to > remember posting it, but please remind me if I seem to have forgotten, > OK?
Here it is. Not quite perfect yet, I'm afraid. -=-=-=->8 cut here \version "2.2.0" \header { title = "TTBB" composer = "" poet = "" meter = "" dedication = "" copyright = "" tagline = "" texidoc = " Four-part (TTBB) vocal score. " } global = \notes { \key c \major \time 4/4 } markups = \notes { s4\mf } brk = \notes { \break } tiMusic = \notes \relative c' { e4 f d e } tiWords = \lyrics { \skip 4*2 hi hi } tiiMusic = \notes \relative c' { c4 c c8[( b)] c4 } tiiWords =\lyrics { ha4 ha ha ha } biMusic = \notes \relative c { c4 c g c } biWords = \lyrics { hu4 hu hu hu } biiMusic = \notes \relative c { g4 a f g } biiWords = \lyrics { ho4 ho ho ho } \score { \notes \context ChoirStaff << % #(set-accidental-style 'modern-cautionary) \override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #3 \set Score.autoBeaming = ##f \context Lyrics = tenori { s1 } \context Staff = tenors << \clef "treble_8" \context Voice = tenori { \voiceOne \dynamicUp \global << \markups \tiMusic >> } \context Voice = tenorii { \voiceTwo \tiiMusic } >> \context Lyrics = tenorii { s1 } \context Lyrics = bassi { s1 } \context Staff = basses << \clef bass \context Voice = bassi { \voiceOne \global \biMusic } \context Voice = bassii { \voiceTwo \dynamicDown << \markups \biiMusic >> } >> \context Lyrics = bassii { s1 } \context Lyrics = tenori \lyricsto tenori \tiWords \context Lyrics = tenorii \lyricsto tenorii \tiiWords \context Lyrics = bassi \lyricsto bassi \biWords \context Lyrics = bassii \lyricsto bassii \biiWords >> \paper { \context { % a little smaller so lyrics can be closer to the staff. \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 3) } } } -=-=-=->8 cut here > I have some examples, some better than others, on > <>, unfortunately without > source at the moment, but I'll try and remember to put the source out > there too. Done now. The page itself is in Norwegian, but there's not much text on it that you won't understand. As I said, Reger: Abschied illustrates a vertical spacing problem, solved in Svedbom: Hej, dunkom. Some pieces also have the (conceptually ugly) s-instead-of-r-in-one-voice workaround to the unmerged rests "problem". -- Arvid _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]