Mike <terremotoetrage...@gmail.com> writes:

>> >> > [~]# bash lilypond_install/lilypond-2.18.2-1.linux-64.sh --prefix
> lilypond
>> >>   ^^^^
>> >> I can't understand this. It looks like root's prompt, not a user's.
>> > 
>> > It's just my user's prompt. It shows that I'm in my home dir.
>> Are you sure?  The `#' sign usually indicates a super-user shell,
>> while `$' indicates a normal user.  I thus would expect
>>   [~]$
>> instead.
> Uhm... it's just a convention isn't it?

Sure, but one it does not make much sense to override.

> I'm pretty sure I am not a superuser. How can I verify it?
> [~]# echo $PS1
> [\w]#
> [~]#


should be pretty conclusive.  Superuser has uid=0 for example.  At any
rate, standard prompts are "$ " for normal users and "# " for superuser,
so you are already not using the standard.

David Kastrup

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