Hello Andrew,

From a previous thread:


\version "2.19.25"

\RemoveEmptyStaves does not work primarily because \PianoStaff has the
Keep_alive_together_engraver.  You should remove that one (or not use
\PianoStaff) and then invoke only the second Staff as

\new Staff \with { \RemoveEmptyStaves } { ... }

I have a harp score where there are a lot of lines that require only the upper 
staff. How can I suppress the lower staff in lines where it is empty

If you don't want to retain the upper Staff with rests only when the
lower Staff has notes, things are a bit more tricky.

Basically, you'll
arrange to have your whole PianoStaff removed on demand, give it a
remove-layer of #0 but put _another_ copy of the first Staff (better
though a rest-only variant of it) in parallel with the PianoStaff,
giving it a remove-layer of #1.  That way it will only survive into the
final score when both staves in the PianoStaff will die.

%\new PianoStaff
  \new Staff \relative c' {
    \repeat unfold 5 { c4 e g c }
    \repeat unfold 12 { c2 a }
    \repeat unfold 20 { R1 }
    \repeat unfold 10 { c2 a }
    \repeat unfold 8 { c,4 e g c }

  \new Staff \with { \RemoveEmptyStaves }
  \relative c {
    \clef bass
    \repeat unfold 5 { c4 e g c }
    \repeat unfold 42 s1
    \repeat unfold 8 { c,4 e g c }

\layout {
  \context {
    %    \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves


> Le 3 juin 2016 à 07:54, Malte Meyn <lilyp...@maltemeyn.de> a écrit :
> Am 03.06.2016 um 06:39 schrieb David Wright:
>> On Thu 02 Jun 2016 at 21:14:17 (-0400), Andrew Bernard wrote:
>>> I have a two stave piece using a PianoStaff. In some sections I need to
>>> hide the unused lower stave for a number of bars. Using \RemoveEmptyStaves
>>> or \RemoveAllmptyStaves does nothing. There are only spacer rests in the
>>> staff in question.
>>> The NR in Section A.20 says these functions 'Remove staves which are
>>> considered to be empty according to the list of interfaces set by
>>> keepAliveInterfaces, including those in the first system.’ But what does it
>>> mean for a staff to be considered empty?
> This is how keepAliveInterfaces is defined:
> keepAliveInterfaces = #'(
>    bass-figure-interface
>    chord-name-interface
>    cluster-beacon-interface
>    fret-diagram-interface
>    lyric-syllable-interface
>    note-head-interface
>    tab-note-head-interface
>    lyric-interface
>    percent-repeat-item-interface
>    percent-repeat-interface
>    ;; need this, as stanza numbers are items, and appear only once.
>    stanza-number-interface
>  )
> A Staff which doesn’t contain items of these types is removed (f. e. a Staff 
> only containig rests, spacer rests, but also key changes and some other 
> things).
>> AFAICT just change PianoStaff to GrandStaff. I think I see the logic
>> in LP's behaviour.
> PianoStaff is an alias for GrandStaff except that it contains the 
> Keep_alive_together_engraver. So using a GrandStaff should be the same as 
> PianoStaff \with { \remove Keep_alive_together_engraver }
> This can be found in the Internals Reference and in the file engraver-init.ly.
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