Am 30.05.2016 um 11:53 schrieb Federico Bruni:
> Il giorno lun 30 mag 2016 alle 11:13, Stanislav <>
> ha scritto:
>> Now I mainly
>> use Musescore, which is a wonderful piece of software,
>> but as of yet it cannot change the width of flags
>> and chance distance between key signature elements.
>> Can those things be done in Lilypond?
> I've looked at:
> and thought that X-extent could have been the right property, because
> the description says:
> """
> X-extent (pair of numbers):
>    ly:flag::width
>    Extent (size) in the X direction, measured in staff-space units,
> relative to object’s reference point.
> """
> but actually it just takes space and place next notes more faraway on
> the line:
> \version "2.19.42"
> \relative {
>  c''8
>  \override Flag #'X-extent = #'(0 . 10)
>  c8 d
> }
> I would call it X-padding

Not really. X-extent doesn't actually pad elements but overrides the
value LilyPond *thinks* the item has. To make that clearer consider
setting the X-extent (and A-extent) of an object both to zero. This
makes LilyPond's spacing and collision handling completely ignore the
element. Which is for example useful to "stamp" something on top of the


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