Hi Simon,
> it’s a known issue that alignment of barlines can be difficult in such cases.
> I think we have a tracker issue, and it’s a non-trivial question how such
> barlines should be aligned by default.
So it is a know issue, that it is all i needed to know. Harm did find something
in the LSR that probably can help, Carl provided much the same solution. For
that i am grateful. There is much good to say about the amount of knowledge
people have on this list!
I find it strange though why it is not mentioned in the manual
that \magnifyStaff causes the lines to «misbehave» that way. But, if it is hard
coded, as Harm implied, then perhaps there is some convention i dont know
about. It does not look ugly, just unexpected. As a sidenote, cues sized staffs
should not require this much mocking about to work.
> If you had only asked ‘Do you agree that this looks bad?’, then this would be
> a valid point. But, naturally, you also asked if somebody knew a way to do it
> better. And unless I know the answer straightaway and can just type some code
> in my reply (which doesn’t happen most of the time), I need to go to
> Frescobaldi and fiddle around with the code, in order to check out some
> approaches. I tried, and at first compilation got numerous errors due to
> undefined variables.
> So I’d have had to clean it up and code an example myself, which is something
> you could just as well have done as a courtesy to the volunteers who like to
> help you on this list. There is a reason why we have this policy of posting
> compilable, tiny examples.
> Best, Simon
All that talk about hating to guess and not understanding what «this» is
unnecessary sour mouth stuff when the problem is very clear. I wanted to know
from the people that did know \magnifyStaff caused this to reply. Nothing more.
I have no problem handling people that woke up on the wrong foot. But outbursts
like that happens all the time and while i understand the need to teach new
users how this list should function (a simple email when signing onto the list
should do the trick and save you all from repeating ad infinitum) i won’t stand
for it for a small thing like this.
While i agree that I could have stated the problem clearer in text there should
to be a certain amount of leeway when talking about a subject amongst people
that study the same subject. The picture is _very_ telling and should leave
little doubt what the problem was. With that little snippet i wanted to give a
context to \magnifyStaff so that people could see if there was a simple syntax
error. No need to post the whole code (which is far to big and making a MWE nor
helps you nor did not solve the problem) wasting time when it could be stated
with a simple «aha, just do it like so». And indeed it was: \magnifyStaff
behaves oddly and it is know.
Seeing that the manual is a far cry from a user manual, at least not capable
teaching non-scheme wizards anything but the simplest stuff, this list is the
only place to get a working knowledge of Lilypond. While «losing» me hardly
matters (at least till i cool off in a couple of months) i cannot say i will
advertise the use of Lilypond at its current state. Which is a pity since i’m a
high school music teacher that desperately _wants_ this to be an option for
myself and my students. One day it might be.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Carl-Henrik Buschmann
lilypond-user mailing list