2016-05-12 22:45 GMT+02:00 Dave Higgins <dave.higg...@dkds.us>:
> That doesn't appear to move the tremolo in any direction.  Tried (5 . 5).
> On 05/12/2016 11:30 AM, Trevor Daniels wrote:
>> Dave Higgins wrote Thursday, May 12, 2016 5:53 PM
>>> I've noticed that with high notes that are tremolo'd (or short repeat),
>>> the tremolo covers the ledger lines.
>>> For example: a''''1:32 would give 4 ledger lines but it's hard to tell
>>> that there are 4 ledger lines because the tremolo covers it.
>>> What's the syntax to lower the tremolo?
>>   \override Beam.positions = #'(0 . 1)
>> Change the 0 and 1 to suit
>> Trevor

You have to tackle StemTremolo:

  \override StemTremolo.length-fraction = #1.24
  \override StemTremolo.beam-thickness = #0.35
  \override StemTremolo.Y-offset = #1.5

Adjust the values to fit your needs.


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