Am 08.05.2016 um 19:13 schrieb Urs Liska:
> One thing I just start thinking of: you can use openLilyLib's break package 
> to ease your workflow.  This allows you to specify breaks as one single list. 
> Then you can apply that break list to both scores. You still have to do the 
> page breaking manually but have a clean interface to it.
> > 
> > I can't look into it right now as I'm on the train ...
> > 
> > 

You'd need the "page-layout" package
( for what I'm thinking
about. You would have your music defined somewhere in files and have two
main .ly files for primo and secondo each. Both main files would include
the same file for the breaks that contains:

% load the package
\include "page-layout/"\loadModule page-layout conditional-breaks

\registerBreakSet common-pagebreaks
\setOption page-layout.conditional-breaks.use #'(page-breaks) \setBreaks 
original-edition page-breaks 
#'(25 39 52 75)

\applyConditionalBreaks common-pagebreaks 

This way you have *one* place where the page breaks are defined. This is
much better than inserting the breaks manually, be it directly in the
music or in an extra context.

If you also want to have line breaks in sync that can be done the same way.

There's one thing one could explore to make that *more* automatic: You
could have the *first* score use LilyPond's automatic page breaking.
This would write out the actual page breaks to an intermediate file, and
when the second score is engraved these values would be taken. As the
second score will be broken completely "blindly" this may or may not
work out properly, one would habe to check that out. The user could
influence the outcome by choosing the "master" score, or by
adding/overriding individual breaks.

Of course that's not meant as a solution for a "current" engraving task
but more like an ambitious feature request for the page-layout package.
But maybe it would be worth pursuing.

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