Il giorno ven 29 apr 2016 alle 12:59, Johan Vromans
<> ha scritto:
There's some Lilypond questions on the tex StackExchange forum, and
find some on the StackOverflow too.
I have a very strong preference for one single place where all
lives. And I'm very happy with this mailing list.
I think that everybody should decide freely. I feel the same that was
expressed here:
The last time I tried to ask a question on StackWhatever I was
directed to another sub-StackWhatever, and then to another, and to
so I just gave up.
What happened once doesn't mean anything. Most of people like Q&A
sites. Personally I think that they are way more effective than mailing
lists for helping and get help.
Anyway, one might also argue about the idea of using some third-party
service. If some lilypond user set up a nice forum (as for example¹) I
would be able to follow only what I'm interested in. Right now I delete
90% of emails in this list without even reading them. But filtering is
time consuming and annoying and I'll have to quit this list sooner or
You must be very motivated and involved to stay in an medium/high
volume mailing list like this one. On the other hand Q&A allows more
participation from "free riders" or "seldom helpers".
lilypond-user mailing list