Hi Werner,

On 29 April 2016 at 14:05, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> As far as I know this particular list does not have a list owner,
>> and there are no published rules.
> Of course there is a list owner.

Who, may one ask? Why are they taking no interest in this extensive discussion?

> In general, the list netiquette is quite simple.  Here's a small,
> probably incomplete list.

My point is that posting this here, while a positive contribution and
all worth points,  is futile. No new users will find it. It is soon
lost. People won't search the archives to find it, and would not know
what seaerch terms to use.

The Debian code of conduct seems worthy of adoption.

Whatever may get taken up, if anything, couldn't it go on the
Community web page for lilypond.org, or on the GNU mailing list page?
Mr List Owner, where art thou?


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