On Tue, 2016-04-26 at 17:26 +0200, matp...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm not able to find a solution in the manuals or onlineā€¦
> Is there a way to shorten horizontally only one system? I would need it to 
> accommodate a dialog just after a precise bar.
> Thanks for any help

I just did this from Denemo, using the Stop Drawing Staff and Notes
commands for two bars ( b4 a' g' f' are the - random - notes in the two
bars) it generated this:

 \stopStaff \hideNotes b4 a' g' f'
  b a' g' f' \startStaff \unHideNotes \bar ""

I think you might need a line break to ensure it stays at the end of a

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