> Try the following ...
> f1->\fermata R1*3 R1\fermata
> The first fermata prints fine. The second fermata prints
> "programming error: Object is not a markup." in the log and doesn't
> print.

It strikes me as conceptually problematic to try to put a fermata on a
multi-measure rest.
Who does this, and what does it mean, musically?

In this example, you are actually placing a fermata on a single bar of rest.
In which case, this works fine:

{ \compressFullBarRests f1->\fermata R1*3 r1\fermata }

As such, \fermataMarkup seems like a solution in search of a problem.

Unless I'm missing the reason why you would consider a single bar of rest
to be multiple bars of rest.

I think I must be missing more of the subtlety of this issue.

Since it hasn't been mentioned yet in this thread, you can also place text
at the start of a multi-measure rest using the empty chord structure:

{ \compressFullBarRests f1->\fermata R1*3 <>^\markup{ "hold me" } R1 }

David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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