Anthonys Lists <> writes:

> On 22/04/2016 14:49, Paul Scott wrote:
>>> I assume Wol (like me) has the problem where the compressed rest happens
>>> >in the part, not in the full score — but one wants not to have to use
>>> >multiple \tag constructs just to handle this issue.
>> Me too.  I asked a long time ago and got the idea that I was the only
>> one concerned about this.  Essentially why is alignment different for
>> multi-measure rests than notes.
> And other things too? Try the following ...
> f1->\fermata R1*3 R1\fermata
> The first fermata prints fine. The second fermata prints "programming
> error: Object is not a markup." in the log and doesn't print. So
> that's another bug tracked down in my piece,

That's _explicitly_ what \fermataMarkup is for.  If people consulted the
manual before reporting known quirks...

We'd probably have less inclination to address the quirks eventually.

David Kastrup

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