This looks very nice, thank you!
I'll have to see how it interacts with the graphical slur shape tweaking
code in Denemo.


On Thu, 2016-04-14 at 08:20 -0700, tisimst wrote:
> Richard,
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 1:53 AM, Richard Shann-2 [via Lilypond]
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>         On Wed, 2016-04-13 at 23:28 +0200, Thomas Morley wrote: 
>         > 2016-04-13 15:06 GMT+02:00 Richard Shann <[hidden email]>: 
>         > > Thanks Abraham, that's most informative. 
>         > > Thinking about it, I wonder if I've missed something: is
>         there a way to 
>         > > say typeset the tuplet bracket like a slur, with the
>         tuplet number 
>         > > inside? 
>         > 
>         > I once made the attached code. 
>         > Maybe you can adapt it to fit your needs. 
>         Hmm, quite a battle to get that I see! In fact your code does
>         something 
>         extra-fancy compared with the commonplace examples I see in
>         old prints, 
>         namely the tuplet number cuts into the slur. Typically the
>         tuplet number 
>         is inside the slur, which happened by default in LilyPond once
>         I set the 
>         direction. I was hoping it might be possible just to set the
>         tuplet 
>         number direction to be the same as a slur would be - I don't
>         mind adding 
>         the slur manually.
> Here's a customized variant of Harm's function that does more of what
> you want by moving the slur outside the TupletNumber without cutting
> it in half. Like Simon eluded to, though, it would need some work to
> be robust enough to be incorporated into LilyPond core. Anyway, here's
> the function for your enjoyment:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.18.2"
> tupletBracketToSlur = {
>   % Use slur-stencil
>   \override TupletBracket.stencil = #ly:slur::print
>   %% Use 'thickness from Slur
>   \override TupletBracket.thickness = #1.2
>   %% 'control-points need to be set
>   \override TupletBracket.control-points =
>     #(lambda (grob)
>       (let* ((x-pos (ly:grob-property grob 'X-positions))
>              (pos (ly:grob-property grob 'positions))
>              (x-ln (interval-length x-pos))
>              (dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
>              ;; read out the height of the TupletBracket, maybe
> negative!
>              (height (- (cdr pos) (car pos)))
>              ;; height-corr is introduced because sometimes the shape
> of the
>              ;; slur needs to be adjusted.
>              ;; It is used in the 2nd/3rd control-point.
>              ;; The value of 0.3 is found by trial and error
>              (height-corr (* 0.3 dir height))
>              (edge-height (ly:grob-property grob 'edge-height '(0.7 .
> 0.7)))
>              (pad 1.0))
>         (list
>           ;; first cp
>           (cons
>             (+ (car x-pos) 0.5)
>             (- (+ (* dir pad) (+ (car pos) (* -1 dir (car
> edge-height))))
>               (if (= dir -1)
>                   (if (> height 3)
>                     (/ dir 2.0)
>                     0.0)
>                   (if (< height -3)
>                     (/ dir 2.0)
>                     0.0))))
>           ;; second cp
>           (cons
>             (+ (car x-pos) (* x-ln 1/4))
>             (+ (* dir pad) (+ (car pos) (* dir (+ 0.5 height-corr)))))
>           ;; third cp
>           (cons
>             (+ (car x-pos) (* x-ln 3/4))
>             (+ (* dir pad) (+ (cdr pos) (* dir (- 0.5 height-corr)))))
>           ;; fourth cp
>           (cons
>             (- (cdr x-pos) 0.5)
>             (+ (* dir pad) (+ (cdr pos) (* -1 dir (cdr
> edge-height)))))
>         )))
>   \override TupletBracket.staff-padding = #'()
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Example %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> music = \relative c'' {
>   \tuplet 3/2 4 { a8 b c a b c' a, b c, a' b, c }
>   \tuplet 5/4 2 { a' b c d e a,, b c' d e }
>   \tuplet 5/4 2 { a b c, d e a b, c d, e }
>   \break
> }
> \layout {
>   indent = 0
>   \tupletBracketToSlur
>   \omit Staff.TimeSignature
>   \omit Score.BarNumber
> }
> \score {  
>   { \music }
>   \header { piece = "Default" }
> }
> \score {  
>   { \tupletUp \music }
>   \header { piece = "TupletBracket forced UP" }
> }
> \score {  
>   { \tupletDown \music }
>   \header { piece = "TupletBracket forced DOWN" }
> }
> \score {  
>   { \voiceOne \music }
>   \header { piece = "All forced UP (\voiceOne)" }
> }
> \score {  
>   { \voiceTwo \music }
>   \header { piece = "All forced DOWN (\voiceTwo)" }
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> It does a pretty good job and follows the slope of the stems/beam,
> though there are likely to be cases where the curve is not perfect
> (like one or two in my example).
> HTH,
> Abraham 
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