Good morning

hm, now it works. Inspired by Daniel Fütterers post about font problems, i 
manually moved all fonts (including lilyjazz-text.otf and lilyjazz-chord.otf) 
from /Users/… / Library/Fonts to /Library/Fonts. In the 
preferences, the standard location for font installation was set to „computer“ 
Thanks to all who helped

> Am 09.04.2016 um 01:03 schrieb Christoph Friedrich 
> <>:
> Hello Abraham and Stan
> thanks for your replies. I cleared the font cache as it was proposed by 
> Abraham (howto 
> <>), and 
> i also made use of the options that are given in the font (looking 
> for duplicate fonts, removing non-standard system fonts etc)
> It did not help yet. I also had a look to the Finale forum as it was 
> proposed, and it seems there are really some major font problems in the 
> current mac OS. Then I noticed that i have about 240 fonts in my font library 
> (where do they all come from?) and there were another 200 moved automatically 
> to the folder called „fonts_removed“ by the So for sure i will 
> have to check if i really need all these fonts (I already know don’t) and 
> reduce their number. 
> Stan pointed out that the lilyJAZZfonts in his system do have a slightly 
> different name. As far as i remember, there was a suggestion here once to 
> rename them from LilyJAZZ* ( version prior to lilypond 2.18.2, by Thorsten 
> Hämmerle) to lilyjazz* (2.18.2 and later, by Abraham). I remember the older 
> version was also installed in my computer once. So this might be a hint where 
> the problem might come from.
> If i gonna find a solution, i’ll post it here. Meanwhile i’ll switch to 
> another computer..
> Thanks again
> Christoph
>> Am 07.04.2016 um 13:19 schrieb Stanton Sanderson < 
>> <>>:
>> On my Mac with the same OS X (10.11.4) and version of Lilypond, Christoph’s 
>> code produces the expected results.
>> One difference in installation is is that the .chord and .text font files 
>> are installed in the Lilypond app, in the same font directories mentioned. 
>> Mine are named LilyJAZZChord.otf and LilyJAZZText.otf, however. If I recall, 
>> that was the way they were named when they were first introduced. 
>> Stan
>> All the lilyjazz-11.otf, etc. files are also in that directory. 
>>> On Apr 6, 2016, at 11:08 PM, Abraham Lee < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Christoph,
>>> I don't own a Mac, nor do I have access to one, so I'm not the most 
>>> qualified to answer this question. What you've described is exactly how you 
>>> should do it. However, I have noticed that users of Finale have had similar 
>>> issues on a Mac, so I think it's not specific to LilyPond. The issues could 
>>> be totally unrelated, but you never know. 
>>> What they seem to do that alleviates the problem is clearing out the font 
>>> cache (sorry, I'm not sure how to do that). Font Book may have some tools 
>>> to help you out, too. I'd go to the Finale forum ( 
>>> <>) and look through the topics on the Macintosh 
>>> user subforum. There have been plenty lately on this topic. 
>>> Best,
>>> Abraham
>>> On Wednesday, April 6, 2016, Christoph Friedrich 
>>> < <>> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> i am still trying to find out why the lilyjazz fonts do not work properly 
>>> on my computer (mac os x) and i hope to get some advice here…
>>> The fonts "lilyjazz-text" and "lilyjazz-chords“ were installed in the 
>>> system font location, the ones named lilyjazz-11.otf etc were copied to 
>>> /Applications/
>>> /Applications/
>>> It says everything ok, but on the mac text and chords appear in a standard 
>>> system font.
>>> I did the same on a windows system, and the result seems to be as expected. 
>>> (please see examples below)
>>> Could this be a bug?
>>> Thanks for any advice.
>>> Christoph
>>> example code
>>> -----------------
>>> \version "2.19.39"
>>> \include "lilyjazz.ily"
>>> \header{
>>>         title = "Test"
>>>         composer = "Mac OSX 10.11.4"
>>>         piece = "Latin"
>>> }
>>> melody = \new Staff {
>>>   \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
>>>         \time 6/8
>>>         \tempo  8 = 120
>>>         \clef treble
>>>         \key ees \major
>>>         \relative  {
>>>   c8 d e f g a b c d e f g d e f g a b
>>>        }
>>> }
>>> harmonies = \chordmode { \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup { maj7 }
>>> ees1:7 fis:maj7
>>>  }
>>> \score{
>>> <<
>>> \new ChordNames {\set chordChanges = ##t \harmonies}
>>> \melody
>>> >>
>>> }
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