On 08.04.2016 02:44, Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote:
So, the approach is to segment your piece using \tag and then work on it one segment at a time. (Of course, depending on what types of issues you are working on like page breaks or line breaks, you may need to compile the preceding or following segment.)

Three ideas on that:
First, you’ll run into problems as soon as spanners cross segments.
Second, you can have it much easier by enveloping the entire music expression in the \score with \tag SegmentA.SegmentB.SegmentC, instead of doing it separately for each staff. Third, you can make much use of LilyPond-only syntax, where you currently use Guile. So instead of
\tag #'SegmentA    or    \tag #'(SegmentA SegmentB)
you can just write
\tag Segment A    or    \tag SegmentA.SegmentB

The very most recent development version even allows using a comma instead of a dot in list syntax.

Best, Simon

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