Am 06.04.2016 um 21:20 schrieb Jay Vara:
I am trying to add left hand fingerings to the Tablature without affecting
the staff. […]
Is there a way to suppress the fingerings on the staff and have it show up
only in the Tablature?
Instead of markups you should use fingerings like in
c-1 c d-3 g-3
These appear in Staff but not in TabStaff by default. Now use
\consists Fingering_engraver
for the TabStaff and
\omit Fingering
for the Staff (I’m not sure why \remove Fingering_engraver doesn’t work
Complete code:
\version "2.19.38"
% works also in 2.18.2 so probably 2.19.15 is no problem either
myMusic = \relative c'' {
c-1 c d-3 g-3
\score {
\new Staff \with {
\omit Fingering
} {
\new TabStaff \with {
\consists Fingering_engraver
} {
\transpose c'' c' \myMusic
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