Hi Mats,

So this is good – we have identified a definite bug and you have a definite fix.

I think the procedure is to mail the lilypond bug list with this information, 
as the first step to having this incorporated into a release.

Fondu does seem to be very old and not actively maintained, although I may be 

Here’s the information in the bug list:


Since you have all the information now in hand, although I am happy to post for 
you, I think it is more direct if you make the submission. The developers can 
correspond with you directly.

Here are the instructions on submitting a report:


This will do as a minimal working example (MWE) for the report:

\version "2.19.38"

\header {
  composer = \markup  \right-align { \override #'(font-name . "Times Bold") 
"Rodgers/Hart" }


Well done on figuring this out.


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