Hi Sharon,
I’ve only cursorily read through; isn’t that a wrong comment in line 26,
after (waitpid child)? Sorry if I’m being stupid, after all you have
tested the script and something like that should have stopped it from
Best, Simon
On 02.04.2016 07:12, Sharon Rosner wrote:
Hi all,
Here’s something I played around with last night: a lilypond server. I
found some old discussions of this idea, and an old bit of code by
Han-Wen. Enclosed is a working server script and a client bash script
to go with it.
The server script starts a telnet server on port 12321. When a client
connects, the server forks and compiles the filename sent by the
client. The rationale for this is to eliminate the start up time, and
thus shave about 0.5-0.6s off the compilation time.
So for simple snippets you get compilation time on the order of
0.2-0.3s, which feels almost “real-time”, which is nice!
There’s also an open issue for this:
To start the server:
lilypond server.ly <http://server.ly>
To use the client:
chmod +x lyc
./lyc myfile.ly <http://myfile.ly>
Happy lilyponding,
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