2016-04-01 22:22 GMT+02:00 Joseph N. Srednicki <jnsredni...@verizon.net>:
> Please see the following example.
> Note: There have been some recent issues of the mail programs lopping thing
> off such a final brace when pasting examples. I re-pasted the following
> example and recompiled it before sending this message. So, I am hoping that
> it comes through without anything missing.
> In the middle voice in the second measure of the example below, the two g
> notes in the middle voice move the dots to the right of the g.
> Instead, I would like to move the dots next to the notes to which they apply
> instead of the position following the intervening g notes.
> I looked at Snippet http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=674.
> According to this snippet, the command \override
> Staff.NoteCollision.prefer-dotted-right = ##t is supposed to move the dots
> to the position to the immediate right of the notes to which they apply; no
> notes are supposed to intervene between a note and the dot to which it
> applies.
> Therefore, in my example, the notes should appear to the left of the g notes
> in the second measure.
> However, I tried placing the \override
> Staff.NoteCollision.prefer-dotted-right = ##t in a variety of locations, but
> to no avail.
> For example, I tried using a \context {\Staff ... statement in a layout
> block. I also tried putting the statement in the global variable. In yet
> another try, I placed the \override before a particular dotted
> Can someone please tell me how what I am misunderstanding or doing
> correctly?
> Ideally, I would like to make this change globally for the entire score.
> Thanks in advance to anyone who can help with a suggestion or correction.
> Joe Srednicki
> =====================
> \version "2.19.35"
> \language "english"
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Voice
>     \consists "Melody_engraver"
>     \override Stem #'neutral-direction = #'()
>   }
> }
> global = {
>   \key c \major
>   \numericTimeSignature
>   \time 3/4
> }
> rightOne = \relative c'' {
>   \global
>   \new Voice = "soprano" \voiceOne
>   \partial 4 g ( | % pickup
>   c4.) b8 [c8. d16] | % 1
> }
> rightTwo = \relative c' {
>   \global
>  <c e>8._\ff <d f>16 | % pickup
>   \stemUp \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 0.9 g2 g4 \revert
> NoteColumn.force-hshift | % 1
> }
> leftOne = \relative c' {
>   \global
>    \skip 4 | % pickup
>   \change Staff = "right" \stemDown e4. d8 [e8. f16] | % 1
> }
> leftTwo = \relative c' {
>   \global
>   % Music follows here.
> }
> pedal = \relative c {
>   \global
>  \partial 4
>   c4 | % pickup
>   c4 c c | % 1
>  }
> \score {
>   <<
>     \new PianoStaff \with {
>       instrumentName = "Org."
>       shortInstrumentName = "Org."
>     } <<
>       \new Staff = "right" << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >>
>       \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }
>     >>
>     \new Staff = "pedal" { \clef bass \pedal }
>   >>
>   \layout { }
> }

I don't have a good solution for you.
In the code I used 'extra-offset (last-resort) at first occurence -
needs to be done in every voice.
Second time I used `\i-really-hope-someone-comes-up-with-something-better'.
The name says it all ...

\versio "2.19.38"

i-really-hope-someone-comes-up-with-something-better =
\once \override Staff.DotColumn.positioning-done =
  #(lambda (grob)
     (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'X-offset 1.3)
       (ly:grob-array-ref (ly:grob-object grob 'dots) 1)
       'Y-offset -0.5))

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists "Melody_engraver"
    \override Stem #'neutral-direction = #'()

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 3/4

rightOne = \relative c'' {
  \new Voice = "soprano" \voiceOne
  \partial 4 g ( | % pickup
  \tweak Dots.extra-offset #'(-1.3 . 0)
  c4.) b8[
  c8. d16] | % 1

rightTwo = \relative c' {
 <c e>8._\ff <d f>16 | % pickup
  \stemUp \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 0.9 g2 g4
  \revert NoteColumn.force-hshift | % 1

leftOne = \relative c' {
   \skip 4 | % pickup
  \change Staff = "right"
  \tweak Dots.extra-offset #'(-1.3 . -1) e4. d8[ e8. f16] | % 1

leftTwo = \relative c' {
  % Music follows here.

pedal = \relative c {
 \partial 4
  c4 | % pickup
  c4 c c | % 1

\score {
    \new PianoStaff \with {
      instrumentName = "Org."
      shortInstrumentName = "Org."
    } <<
      \new Staff = "right" << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >>
      \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }
    \new Staff = "pedal" { \clef bass \pedal }
  \layout { }


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