OK- I was trying to make it easier for you to see the section by editing the content.
Below is the whole piece. Jason \language "english" > \version "2.16.2" > \header { > title = "The General Confession" > composer = "Jason Silver" > copyright = "Silver Ink. 2016" > tagline = "Permission granted to share with attribution." > } > global = { > } > \paper { > } > \paper { > top-margin = #0 > bottom-margin = #5 > right-margin = #12 > left-margin = #12 > indent = #0 > system-separator-markup = #3 > markup-system-spacing #'padding = 0 % under title > system-system-spacing #'padding = 1.8 > system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = 20 > > score-system-spacing = > #'((basic-distance . 1) > (minimum-distance . 2) > (padding . 101) > (stretchability . 522)) > last-bottom-spacing = #5 > %min-systems-per-page = 10 % this allows you to squish line spacing > %max-systems-per-page = 8 > paper-width = 21.59\cm > paper-height = 27.94\cm > } > % Function to print rests as slashes > slashOn = { > \override Rest #'stencil = #ly:percent-repeat-item-interface::beat-slash > \override Rest #'thickness = #'0.48 > \override Rest #'slope = #'1.2 > \override Rest #'Y-offset = #'-.0 > } > slashOff = { > \revert Rest #'stencil > } > % Exception music is chords with markups > chExceptionMusic = { > <c d e g>1-\markup { "2" } % notate as > <c f g>1-\markup {"sus"} > <c a d g>1-\markup { "m2" } % 1.6.2. > <c e g d'>1-\markup { \super "add9" } % > <c ef g d'>1-\markup { "m" \super "add9" } % > } > chExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions > chExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions) > melody = \relative c'{ > \time 6/8 > \key cs \minor > \clef treble > \tempo 4 = 70 > r4. r4 b8 | b e fs gs4 b,16 gs | b8 e fs gs e b | e4.~e4 gs8 | gs e cs > e4 b8 > b e fs gs4 b,16 gs | b8 e fs \tuplet 2/3 { gs e } | b2. | r2. | > \tuplet 2/3 { b'8 a } \tuplet 2/3 { g f } \tuplet 2/3 {g f} \tuplet 2/3 > { e d } e2. | r2. | > \tuplet 2/3 { b'8 a } \tuplet 2/3 { g f16 e } \tuplet 2/3 {g8 f} \tuplet > 2/3 { e d } e2. | r2. | > \tuplet 2/3 { b'8 a } \tuplet 2/3 { g f } \tuplet 2/3 {g f} \tuplet 2/3 > { e d } | e4. \tuplet 2/3{ e8 e8 } | ds4. r4 b16 b | > b8 e fs gs4 b,16 gs | b4 fs'8 gs e cs | e4.~e4 r8 | gs e cs e4 b8 > b8 e fs gs4 b,16 gs | b4 fs'8 gs e cs | e2. | r2. | > \tuplet 2/3 { b'8 a } \tuplet 2/3 { g f } \tuplet 2/3 {gs fs} \tuplet > 2/3 { e ds }| e2.~ | e2 > } > chordNames = \chordmode { > \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions > \set chordChanges = ##f % ##t is the other? > r2. | cs2.:m7 gs:m7 | a: | a:m | > cs2.:m7 gs:m7 | a: | a:m | > f | f | a | fs:m7 | > d:min6 | d:min6 | a:min7 | e:min7 | > f | f | b:sus4 | b:7 | > e | gs:min7 | a: | a:min | cs:min7 | gs:min7 | a: | a:min | > f4.:maj7 g4.:min7/bf a:/b b:7 | e > > > } > verseone = \lyricmode { > Most mer -- ci -- ful God, > we con -- fess that we've sinned a -- gainst thee > in thought, word, and deed, > by what we have done, > and by what we have left un -- done. > We have not loved thee with our whole heart; > we have not loved our neigh -- bours as our -- selves. > We are tru -- ly sor -- ry and we hum -- bly re -- pent. > For the sake of thy Son Je -- sus Christ, > have mer -- cy on us and for -- give us; > that we may de -- light in thy will, > and walk in thy ways, > to the glo -- ry of thy Name. A -- men. > } > versetwo = \lyricmode { > > } > versethree = \lyricmode { > } > versefour = \lyricmode { > > } > versefive = \lyricmode { > } > versesix = \lyricmode { > } > \score { > << > \new ChordNames { > \chordNames > } > \new Staff << > \new Voice = "one" { > \melody > } > \addlyrics { > \verseone > } > \addlyrics { > \versetwo > } > \addlyrics { > \versethree > } > \addlyrics { > \versefour > } > \addlyrics { > \versefive > } > \addlyrics { > \versesix > } > >> > >> > \layout { > #(layout-set-staff-size 20.5) > } > \midi { } > } *Yes, We Can Do That!™* ------------------------------ *Jason Silver* CrookedBush.com Inc. Web Application Development and Hosting 613.344.1717 jasonsil...@crookedbush.com CrookedBush.com <http://crookedbush.com/> On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 3:42 PM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote: > Jason Silver <jasonsil...@crookedbush.com> writes: > > > Anyone have thoughts on how to notate a A minor add 9? > > > > I've tried this: > > > > chExceptionMusic = { > > <c e g d'>1-\markup { \super "add9" } % > > <c ef g d'>1-\markup { "m" \super "add9" } % > > } > > > > with this: > > > > chordNames = \chordmode { > > \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions > > | a: | a:1.3f.5.9 | > > } > > > > I get an error with the minor add 9. > > Please try not making up code on the fly but use the actual code you > worked with. It's rather tricky for readers to figure out genuine > errors from typos. Here chExceptionMusic does not match chException, > and anyway, there is no such thing as a:1.3f.5.9. Did you intend to > write - instead of f? > > -- > David Kastrup >
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