Hi Colin,
It seems that the Percussion Notes table A.15 in the NR has some
problems, in that the conga notes aren't visibly different. This
snippet works for me:
\version "2.19.37"
\new DrumStaff \with {
drumStyleTable = #congas-style
\drummode {
cghm4 cghm1 % muted
\bar "||"
cgh4 cgh1 % open
This works fine for me also, thanks.
But for me it is not sufficient to create Djembé drumnotes.
I followed the link Thomas Morley gave me previous to customize percussion :
Which brought me very far.
I could even customize the markup of each (drum)note with info from
I am very, very close. I could use the predefined bassdrum (bd) and
bassdrum mute (bdm) the note image is ok, the mute token is correct. But
I have to choose one specific staff line where the note is displayed.
But the Djembé has three different kind of note, each one I would like
to place on a different staffline. So I have to define my own drumnote.
Lilypond is highly flexible and many drumnotes are predefined. But I
could not find info how to define my own drumnote.
I tried :
\version "2.18.2"
#(define mydrums '(
(bassdrum default #f -1)
(slap default #f 0)))
one = \drummode { bd slap }
\new DrumStaff
\with {
\override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #3
\set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)
\new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \one }
But this results an error. althougth drumnote "slap" is defined it can
not be used.
The error message with the use of "slap" was : unrecognised string
This example was based on :
Somewhere the "slap" note have to predefined, as the bassdrum note is.
But how?
Thanks for all your help until now.
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