Hi David, fixing as the following:
\version "2.19.36" voceMusic = \relative c'' { r2 r4 a \repeat volta 3 { \repeat unfold 3 { a a a a } a2 a } \alternative { { a r4 b | } { a4 r r b | } } c d e a, | a1 | } lyricsI = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"1. " This is the start of the first two ly -- rics sec -- tions, they're so great! Wheeee! \set stanza = #"2. " Oh, } lyricsII = \lyricmode { ché -- ri, je t'aime } \score { << \new ChoirStaff = "Staff_voci" << \new Staff = "voci" << \new Voice = "voce" { \voceMusic } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voce" { { \lyricsI \lyricsII } } >> >> } (note the name change to \new Staff) did not solve the issue. Anyway, it's supposed to go to that Voice context. Cheers, A On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 9:43 AM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote: > "N. Andrew Walsh" <n.andrew.wa...@gmail.com> writes: > > > That works fine (minus the literary merits), but doesn't work if I try to > > do it with variables. ie, something like: > > > > \version "2.19.36" > > [...] > > > \new Staff = "voce" << > > \new Voice = "voce" { > > [...] > > > \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voce" { > > Which voce? > > -- > David Kastrup >
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