2016-03-19 11:02 GMT+01:00 Michael Gerdau <m...@qata.de>:
> Hi list,
> I'm playing with LSR snippet 744 and wish to make a small amendment to
> its functionality. While trying to understand what it does I think it
> is not working as it should.
> Here is the link: http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=744
> Most importantly I think the words 'lil le' and 'fis ker' should be
> displayed without a separating space after the hyphen had been removed.

Hi Michael,

somewhere between 2.14. and 2.16. LilyPond internals changed how the
Hyphen is represented.

The check for
(eq? (ly:music-property lyrics 'name) 'HyphenEvent)
(lyrics->list lyrics)
will never be true nowadays.

You need to look into the 'articulations of lyrics to find the hyphen.
Then the rest works again.

I've fixed it in LSR


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