Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hi David,
>>    "horn1" = { ... }
>>    \"horn1"
>> already works
> I toyed with that, but was/am not a big fan of the quotes.
>> and keeps the stuff in different variables.
> Hmmm… Maybe I’m misunderstanding. I thought this new feature would allow one 
> to write
>     horn.1 = { c d }
>     horn.2 = { e f }
>     …
>     horn.8 = { c’ d’ }
> and then access them like
>     <<
>       \new Staff \horn.1
>       \new Staff \horn.2
>     >>
> Did I misunderstand?

No.  But it clumps everything together in one alist named \horn .  If
you want to access this from Scheme, you cannot write #horn.1 but need
to use #(assoc-ref horn 1) instead.  That's different from \"horn1" and
\horn-I which map to #horn1 and #horn-I respectively.

For writing a loop, \horn.1 may be nicer.

> I was/am hoping for a cleaner solution, and thought this feature was
> one.

It's not a naming feature but a data structuring feature.  It's easy to
ignore that difference, however, and for quite a few use cases the
resulting cost will be negligible.  assoc-ref running through an alist
of 100 elements is still going to be much cheaper than typesetting even
a single note.

David Kastrup

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