On Fri, 2016-03-18 at 00:13 +0100, Simon Albrecht wrote:

> Hello Graham,
> On 17.03.2016 23:51, Graham King wrote:
> > # { c_\markup { \dynamic p \italic { dolce } }  Looks like a dynamic, 
> > walks like a dynamic, but doesn't quack like one.  Replace with { 
> > c-\omit\p_\markup { \dynamic p \italic { dolce } } Likewise for "meno 
> > f" and many other cases.
> > # { c1\sfz }  No this is not a dynamic, either.  Try:{ \tag #'pdf { 
> > c1\sfz } \tag #'midi { c4->\f ~ c2.\mf } } [note 1]
> (the numbering renders quite badly now… this was nos. 5 & 6)
> I have a stylesheet called ‘dynamic-custom.ily’, which is \included into 
> ‘standard-include.ily’, which I \include in virtually all my projects. 
> It contains a bunch of lines like:
> pDolce = #(make-dynamic-script (markup "p" #:normal-text #:italic "dolce"))
> [equivalent to
> pDolce = #(make-dynamic-script #{ \markup { p \normal-text \italic dolce 
> } #})
> ]
> \pDolce now creates a DynamicText grob instead of a TextScript grob, 
> which is crucial, since only the former affects MIDI.
> I guess you might do something similar for ‘sfz’, but without getting a 
> proper rendition in sound, of course.
> HTH, Simon

thanks Simon.  That looks very neat, and confers the additional
advantage of enforcing some stylistic consistency.  I'll investigate
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