Hello all, 
I am trying to wrap my head around this whole command line terminal. I am 
attempting to follow the steps that are listed on the “Mac OS” section on the 
lilypond website. I ,think, I have followed each step correctly through step 4, 
which is to make the file executable. I am confused as to what step 5 is 
talking about. It is the following: 
Now, add this directory to your path. Modify (or create) a file called .profile 
in your home directory such that it contains
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
This file should end with a blank line. 
I guess my questions are the following: 
How will these steps help me in using midi2ly?
Also, can anyone give me an example of what to type in the terminal to convert 
a midi file to lilypond format? 

Thanks for any answers and/or suggestions. I apologize for the long off-topic 
email. Daniel, 
Also, ha I don’t know why my computer is putting 1’s at the beginning of each 
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