
> Le 6 mars 2016 à 16:07, Richard Shann <rich...@rshann.plus.com> a écrit :
> It indeed should be able, but MusicXML isn't well adapted to the task:
> note durations are indicated in multiple ways and there is a timer that
> can move backwards to indicate notes that are to be sounded at the same
> time as other notes and the resulting spaghetti can be very difficult to
> interpret. The result can be nothing read at all, or (as in the case
> with Denemo's import at least) empty staffs to be deleted, redundant
> time signatures to be deleted, or worse, time signatures to be guessed
> and inserted.
I’ve tried to find information about the MusicXML timer mentioned by Richard, 
but no way.

Can someone indicate where to find some?



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